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Should I Stay or Should I Go?

If you base your property decisions on what’s happening in the media, you’d be forgiven for being totally bewildered. The property market’s up…down…sideways or doing the loop-the-loop, with every day a different story.

So is there really a ‘best time’ to sell?
Well, the answer is YES - and no.  Is autumn/winter a great time to sell? The weather might be grim, but if your home is a warm, cosy nest  - then absolutely it’s a great time.  There are less properties on the market to compete against, and the level of motivated buyers remains high.  So, what about spring/summer? Many feel this is the best time to sell, as their property looks at its best.

The crux of the matter is – there is more to consider than the state of the market or the weather when making the life-changing decision to move on.  

First is the WHY?
List your reasons for selling – Have you had enough of commuting for over an hour to work?  Are your children getting ready for High School and need to be in zone?  Or have they flown the coop, leaving you with too much house?  Once you have a clear motive for moving, and are mentally engaged with the process – the rest becomes so much easier, and you will see moving as being a positive prospect.

Second, is the house ready?
This is where you need the help of an experienced real estate agent.  They know what the buyers are looking for – what matters and what doesn’t.  First impressions and street appeal are key, so a clean house and tidy grounds are a must.  But before spending any serious money, have a chat with your preferred agent who can advise you on spending maintenance money wisely to reflect best on the sale price, without breaking the bank.  They will also advise you on any potential un-consented works that may impact putting your home on the market.

Third, are you ready?
Is the timing right for you?  Even with the best agent on your side, you need to consider the implications of keeping the house tidy and being out of the way for viewings or open homes.  You need to consider what’s in your calendar - if you are expecting friends or family to stay, are going away for school holidays, or there’s a big workload coming up, you’re best to plan round this.  It is likely your home will be on the market for 4 – 6 weeks, so be prepared for that. 

When all of the above fall in to place you will have your WHEN!  
Don’t make decisions based on the media – there are always houses on the market and there are always buyers needing a home or investment.  This is the only certainty.  Base your decision when to move on your own situation.

Then all you need now is the HOW – and that’s where a great real estate agent comes in.  Research the agents in your area, talk to neighbours who have moved recently, check out agent’s profiles online like and choose an agent who suits your personality and that you can trust.   You are better protected both legally and emotionally by using a real estate agent.

If you’re in the right space to make a move, let us know – we’d love to help, and our advice is FREE!  - The Dream Team